Musical Connections


The Musical Connections program brings support to the music educators and music students of the Roaring Fork Valley by offering in-school enrichment and programming designed for students involved in their school music programs. Through programs such as AMFS Honor Ensembles, Musicians in Schools, Educational Support, and Musical Connections Concerts, teachers are able to enhance their core curriculum with quality music experiences for all involved students.

Program information for the 2024-25 school year will be available shortly. Please check back soon!

Musicians in the Schools – AMFS Residencies

The AMFS works with the University of Colorado – Boulder College of Music and professional chamber ensembles to bring residency performance opportunities to the Roaring Fork Valley.

Educational Support

Our Education Department is happy to assist local music teachers in their classrooms. Contact the education department to set up an appointment.

To learn more, please contact:
Lindsay Bobyak
Manager of Education and Community Programs
970 205 5055

To support this program, please contact:
Kat Berg
Donor Stewardship Manager
970 205 5061

Significant underwriting of the Musical Connections program is provided by the Western States Arts Federation and the National Endowment for the Arts.