AMFS Housing
Thank you for your interest in helping the Aspen Music Festival and School. Providing housing to an AMFS student, artist-faculty, or summer staff member helps the community you love and keeps music here for everyone.
Thank you for your interest in helping the Aspen Music Festival and School. Providing housing to an AMFS student, artist-faculty, or summer staff member helps the community you love and keeps music here for everyone.
AMFS students represent the most promising young musical talent in the world. In order to study at the AMFS, many need free or affordable rooms in houses. Feel great helping the AMFS and a young person, get to know your student, and enjoy their performances.
Some amazing young student musicians aren't able to come study in Aspen without the generous offer of free housing for the summer. If you are able to offer a deserving young person a room in your house for the summer, please fill out the inquiry form below. In addition to getting to know your student, hosts can enjoy their performances with free tickets and invitations to private events.
Some amazing young student musicians aren't able to come study in Aspen without the generous offer of affordable housing ($800-$1300) for the summer. Support the music and enjoy a vivacious young tenant this summer!
If you are able to rent space to one of these deserving students, you will:
*APCHA permits renting for this cause. Any questions? Please contact Ronte' Hardy.
Renting to an AMFS artist-faculty or summer staff member is easy and a great way to create income and help keep the music playing in Aspen. If you have an entire unit or home available, rent your unit at reasonable market rates to an AMFS artist-faculty member or seasonal staff member!
If you decide to rent to AMFS faculty or staff, we will:
*APCHA permits renting for this cause.