School Year Programs


AMFS School Year Programs including AfterWorks and Musical Connections are designed to complement quality instruction students receive in school and from private teachers. Program overviews are below with more information available on each program page. For information on the AMFS's summer lessons programs please visit the Summer Programs page.


Sustained music education experiences through private lessons and weekly group classes that run October through May in Colorado's Roaring Fork Valley. Programs of study:

  • Beginning Strings: Violin, viola, cello, and bass for grades 2+
  • Chamber Music Lab: Chamber music experiences for intermediate string players
  • Lead Guitar: Classical guitar for grades 5+
  • Maroon Bel Canto Choirs: Choir for grades 3-8

Students develop musicianship through performance and music literacy in a social environment, building a solid foundation of musical and interpersonal skills

Musical Connections

Supporting music educators and music students of the Roaring Fork Valley by offering in-school enrichment and programming.

The Musical Connections program enriches the lives of Roaring Fork Valley children and adults by bringing accomplished musicians to local schools and performance venues for residencies and concerts. Musical Connections also offers honor ensemble opportunities to students in the Roaring Fork Valley's school music programs.

To learn more, please contact:

Heather Kendrick Stanton
Vice President of Education and Community Programs
970 205 5057

NOTE FOR PARENTS/GUARDIANS:  Throughout the summers and school years, the AMFS staff photographers take photos/videos of select AMFS Education events, including during Musical Connections events and classes and performances of Beginning Strings, Lead Guitar, and Maroon Bel Canto Choirs.  By attending the events and/or registering students for these programs, parents and/or legal guardians give permission for their child’s likeness to be used in photographs, video, or any media created and distributed by the AMFS or AMFS-approved entities.  If you do NOT wish your child's likeness to be used in photographs, video, or any forms of media by the AMFS, please contact and include "Photo/Media Opt-Out" in the email subject field.