Beginning Strings
After-school violin, viola, cello, and double bass instruction for beginning string students in grades 2+
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Registration is closed for the 2024-25 school year.
Have any questions? Email us!
Program Overview

Would you like to learn a string instrument? If so, Beginning Strings is for you!
This program is for students who wish to study violin, viola, cello, or double bass in a supportive and engaging musical environment. Curriculum includes weekly group classes at six after-school locations throughout the Roaring Fork Valley, performance opportunities, and private or small-group lessons. Our team of teaching artists inspire students to develop a love for music through string education, performance, and music literacy in a social environment. Many students engage in the program for multiple years and develop a strong foundation of both musical and interpersonal skills.
Open to students in grades 2-5 and through middle school for those with past Beginning Strings experience. Instrument and tuition scholarships are available. Students are expected to commit to classes for the duration of the program, from mid-October through early May.
Schools: 2024-2025 School Year
The Beginning Strings program will run as an after-school program at six schools during this school year. All Roaring Fork Valley students are welcome to participate in Beginning Strings at any participating school.
Aspen Elementary School
- Mondays from 3:20-4:50 PM
- Classes start the week of October 14
- Click here to view the class schedule
Basalt Elementary School
- Wednesdays from 2:05-3:35 PM
- Classes start the week of October 14
- Click here to view the class schedule
Crystal River Elementary School
- Thursdays from 3:20-4:50 PM
- Classes start the week of October 14
- Click here to view the class schedule
Glenwood Springs Elementary School
- Thursdays from 3:35-5:05 PM
- Classes start the week of October 14
- Click here to view the class schedule
Riverview School
- Wednesdays from 2:05-3:35 PM
- Classes start the week of October 14
- Click here to view the class schedule
Sopris Elementary School
- Tuesdays from 3:35-5:05 PM
- Classes start the week of October 14
- Click here to view the class schedule
After-School Program Cost: $295

Cost includes:
- 19+ weeks of 90-minute classes
- Starter supply pack (rosin, shoulder rest or rock stop, finger tapes, method book, music stand)
- A series of private or small group lessons (lessons alone are valued at $120!)
- At least one performance on the Harris Concert Hall stage
- Snacks during classes
- Students are responsible for the cost of an instrument (rented or purchased). Some AMFS-owned scholarship instruments are available.
- The cost of this program is heavily subsidized by AMFS donors. Thank you, donors!
Scholarships and Payment Plans
Tuition scholarships are available to students who demonstrate significant financial need. Tuition payment plans are also available and can be requested during the acceptance process. Additionally, a limited number of instrument scholarships are available to students who are unable to afford purchasing or renting a violin/viola/cello/double bass. Instrument scholarships permit the use of an AMFS-owned instrument while enrolled in Beginning Strings.
AfterWorks Refund Policy
Once a student has registered for an AfterWorks program (Beginning Strings, Chamber Music Lab, Lead Guitar, or Maroon Bel Canto Choirs), the following policy will apply to tuition refunds if that student chooses to leave the program:
- Before first class/rehearsal: full tuition refund
- Between first and third class/rehearsal: half tuition refund
- After third class/rehearsal: no refund
- Students can select to learn violin, viola, cello, or double bass through the Beginning Strings program. Follow these links to see each instrument demonstrated by our friends at The Harmony Project: violin, viola & cello.
- All students should have an instrument ready for the first day of Beginning Strings class. Students will receive detailed information about securing an instrument when they have been accepted to the Beginning Strings program.
- Determine what size instrument your student needs with these helpful videos: violin, viola & cello.

Advanced Opportunities
Blue Square and Black Diamond Level Students
Were you involved in Beginning Strings in the past? If you have achieved placement in the Blue Square (intermediate) or Black Diamond (advanced) level of the Beginning Strings program, you will be placed in your own class during the already scheduled class times. All students will be assessed during the first week of class and placed into the appropriate class division.
AMFS Chamber Music Lab
For Double Black Diamond Level Students and Beyond
If you have reached the Double Black Diamond Level in Beginning Strings and/or moved past the regular curriculum and would like to continue, AMFS Chamber Music Lab is for you! In this chamber music program, you will be placed in a small ensemble to develop ensemble skills, learn extended techniques, and expand your independent musicianship with a dedicated ensemble coach.
Interested students will be formed into chamber music groups according to age/grade level and experience/ability level. Small ensemble groups will meet regularly at locations and times based on student and coach availability.
For large ensemble opportunities beyond Beginning Strings, we recommend continuing your musical experience with our friends at the Roaring Fork Youth Orchestra!
2024-2025 Performance Opportunities
- December 9-12, 2024 - AfterWorks Winter Informances | at your beginning strings school!
- February 26, 2025 - Beginning Strings Solo Recital | Harris Concert Hall
- Select students invited to participate based on work in private lessons
- April 25, 2025 - Strings Showcase Concert (Carbondale / Glenwood Springs) | Glenwood Springs High School
- April 30, 2025 - Strings Showcase Concert (Aspen / Basalt) | Harris Concert Hall
- Beginning Strings classes end after the Showcase Concerts
To learn more, please contact:
Lindsay Bobyak, Manager of Education and Community Programs
Email | 970 205 5055

Support for AMFS Education and Community Programs comes from Nancy Swift Furlotti and the Pettit Foundation, Dana and Gene Powell, Alpine Bank, Nancy Meinig - Meinig Family Foundation, the Fisher Family Fund at the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo, Edith Kallas and Joe Whatley, Golub Family Foundation, El Pomar Foundation, and Hensley and James Peterson.
Special support for the Beginning Strings program from Leelee and Bill Harriman.